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At Elevate, we provide coaching for beginner through competitive powerlifters and weightlifters, or for people who want structure and guidance toward their strength and body weight goals. You don’t have to be familiar with strength training at all to get started! Many of our favorite community members here at Elevate started with just a thought that strength training would be a fun and different thing to try and have learned volumes about themselves as a result.

To find out about what’s included and how we provide the best coaching experience, read below.


strength training & body recomposition

Curious how structured training can improve your strength and physique? You don’t need competitive aspirations to thrive here at Elevate. Our coaching staff will guide you through the fundamentals of resistance training and nutrition. Our goal is to improve your confidence in the gym, increase movement proficiency, and help you make the lifestyle changes necessary for long-term success.



We are Northern Colorado’s home for competitive powerlifters. If you are interested in improving your squat, bench press, & deadlift, or thinking about competing in the sport of powerlifting, there is no better place to train. Our team brings decades of experience in this results-driven sport, with our coached athletes achieving numerous state, national, and international titles. Whether you’re just starting out or a seasoned competitor, we love finding ways to improve your competition lifts!



Our weightlifting coaching options include a custom training plan and either small-group or one-on-one coaching sessions. Our USAW certified coach will keep a watchful eye as you work towards mastering your technique.

 reach your goals with us

elevate barbell coaching
